No action is required where you have complied with your obligations as a home owner. The OSR state that their “courtesy messages” will direct property buyers to the OSR website where they can refresh their knowledge of their obligations – and take action where necessary. It is expected that the OSR will be reminding home buyers of their obligations where their circumstances change within the relevant time period. For first home buyers up to $500,000, no duty is payable. If the property is a holiday home, it’s treated the same as an investment property. When you buy a residential property to live in as your home, you pay a lower rate of transfer duty compared with what investors would have to pay for the same property. Advantages of a Family Discretionary Trustĭue to the increasing incidences of hi-tech sophisticated fraud, we all know that we need to be cautious when reading emails and text messages – particularly where links are included.Probate or Letters of Administration in Queensland.Why include Testamentary Trusts in your Will.10 reasons why a standard Will is not for you.